International project AGEADAPT: Adaptation SME to an ageing process of working powers focuses on creating system of a educational means to support so called age-management for small and medium-sized enterprises and tools for workers over 55 years old. Fenomena of ageing of working class, despite it is caused by many reasons, leads to the same results every time – people have to adapt themselves. In this project there will be created 6 user friendly project outputs and simple educational digitization tools.

Project is realised under the Erasmus+ program in the field KA2 – strategic partnership for adult education.

Project team consist of 6 partners from 5 european countries:

RegioVision Schwerin (Germany) – project coordinator
 Association of small and medium-sized enterprises of Czech republic (Czech Republic)
 Institut evropských profesních studií (Czech Republic)
 AZ Ljudska Univerza Velenje (Slovinia)
 Diversity Hub (Poland)
 GrowthCoop (Spain)

Project lenght: 2 years (11/2021–10/2023)
Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033518